Sunday 9 February 2014

6th February

Well it is an odd sort of day weather wise, but calmer than it has been for a long time.
We decided to go in to Falmouth and go through Trago's, always a mistake because they are such a browsable store. I bought some card and card blanks and one or two little bits, it was nice to wander and check things out.

Then we went in to Northern Harbour and had the most wonderful fish and chips looking out into the harbour. We watched a traffic warden giving a car a ticket, taking photo's and walking all round but we didn't see the driver and where we were sat we couldn't see why he got the ticket either. A little excitement to go with the lunch.

I did manage to do a couple more cards in the afternoon, though i made a hash of trying to do a stepper card, i need to find more tuition on that.

In the evening Mum had her book club meeting here, so we set out cheese and crackers etc and lined up the bottles of wine and glasses ready. Once we had done that Janis went out to the Social Club in the village to see what it was all about.

The book club had been reading A Possible Life by Sebastian Faulks and it generated a lot of discussion which then spread out to other books people had read. I was pleased to see that i am not the only one who forgets the plot of a book once they have moved on to read something else.

We wont go to the next meeting because Jackie will be here, which is very exciting.

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