Sunday 16 February 2014

16th February


What a week we have had weather wise. On Thursday it was a bit wet but we were so pleased the wind had eased that we zoomed into Truro to visit Hobbycraft and Range to stock up on crafty goodies (I know I have a room full but there is always room for more. Isn't there?). We came home for lunch and buried ourselves in paintings and crafts for the rest of the day.

I am trying to design a box to decorate and I have made a prototype which I will photograph and add to this at some time and whilst in Hobbycraft we found a pack of three round boxes so I will see what I can do with them.

These are the cards I have made in total from the free pack from my magazine (beautifully posed on the dining room table), and I still have some bits left over, including three whole sheets of adorable scorable backing paper. Some of which are too pretty to cover over. Although i want to make cards i have designed, including the toppers, putting the card together from these packs is certainly quicker and impressive looking so I now have a number of cards ready, I just need to find someone who will sell them for me.

On Friday the wind was horrific. We cowered in the house all day. Charlie wouldn't go out in case he got blown away and we had to force him into the garden in the end. Those who know Charlie will picture him skulking out tail between his legs, ears down belly as close to the floor as he could get it. Ahhhhh

Friday afternoon the wind came down the chimney with such force it shook the screen in front of the fireplace. It was a very scary day but despite that we escaped without any injuries at all. One of the panes of glass in mums conse has shifted so that is Janis' job today, to fix that so that when the gales come again the whole structure doesn't take off.

On Saturday just after breakfast the power went off. Sara from across the road told us that it could be off until 6pm so Janis had a lesson in laying a fire and dashed off to the Spa to get some coal because the heating wont work without power and the only cooking is electric. Ali, mums next door neighbour, came round with offers of tea from her Rayburn and with tales of having to take a camping gaz stove to the people putting up the stands for the Save the Children coffee morning, which was supposed to be in the Church Hall but had to be moved to the WI hall at the last minute because tiles came off the roof of the Church Hall in the gales and the rain was coming through. It meant that everything was a bit scrunched up, but we wandered around and spent our pennies and had a cup of coffee and a slice of cake and chatted to lots of people and if the only things I won on the tombola were a bar of soap that looks as though it has been to many coffee mornings, and a pencil case I did manage to find a very nice handbag for the princely sum of £2 to make up for it. The pictures on the walls had all been done by the children in the village school.

We went to Trebah gardens after the coffee morning because the sun was peeping through the grey clouds and even though we had only been trapped inside for one day we all felt as though we had been inside forever.

It was wonderful to walk through the gardens despite the fact the paths are very steep and quiet often stepped. I chose not to walk as far as the beach and Janis stayed with me while Mum went hopping off with Poppy. Instead Janis and I walked through the water gardens and followed the steps up to the feeding pool with the metal heron looking ready to catch any unwary fish. The path snakes back and forth across the water and at one point Charlie actually had to get his feet wet, lots of huffing and puffing about that.

We had a very nice lunch and came home to a fully heated and electrically working home.

This morning the sun is shining fit to burst, has melted all the light frost from the grass and there is a slight mist rising from the dip in the fields below. These are the two pictures i have taken from our bedroom window early this morning showing the mist and the garden resplendent in bright sunshine.

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