Sunday 23 February 2014

23rd February


I have been busy this week making cards in the hopes we can find a craft fair or car boot sale where i can start selling them.

On Tuesday the builders came to take out the old shower and put in the new one, which has been in the garage in cardboard boxes since Christmas. Those who stayed here and used the old shower will know how much of an obstacle course it could be squeezing in and out and negotiating that step.

They had to smash the old one to pieces to take it out.

bright and sparkling and all that needed doing to make it usable was some tiles at the bottom.

On Wednesday Janis went into Truro to sign on with an agency and to see what is happening with the rental property by visiting their agency. There appear to have been a few confusions in that we have already cleared with the landlord that we can have two dogs and the woman in the letting office said they didn't take people with pets....ah well fingers crossed.

In the evening we went to the Tolmen Centre and had a lovely meal and watched a Danish film called HiJacking. It was about Somalian pirates taking over a danish ship and the negotiations between the company that owned the boat and the pirates representative with an amazing portrayal of the affect on all - the crew and the men in suits. I was enthralled even though it mixed English and Danish and Somalian to get the message through.

On Thursday I used the new Argos Catalogue Janis had picked up in Truro to photograph all the cards I have been making. It is an excellent height for that.

As you can see i have been having a lot of fun, although these are again using ready made bits which isn't what i want to do really, i know that i individualise them like the one above, but i would like, more than anything to create something unique and that is what i am working on at the moment.

I took Mum to her pottery class in Mawnan Smith, with the tall vase she made covered with carved in Elephants. It is amazing, hope it fires ok.

On Friday  we took Mum to her art group in Manaccan and saw the empty restaurant which started the whole what if scenario of a cafe of Coffee, Cake and Craft. I still love the idea though i wouldnt look to open it in Manaccan which is off the beaten track and very small.

Janis went to the Club to have a beer and talk to some villagers and Mum and I went to the Tolmen Centre and watched a show called Carmen and Mimi by the Cube Theatre Experience I think the group is called. It was about two young women and was done in a series of sketches which were so funny and sometimes so sad they had you hooked. Most amazing were the voices the girls had, full operatic range and so beautiful...... The first time they broke out into song we were all totally amazed.

Oh and this is the shower looking great and believe me it is great to use too. Thank you brother John for such a great Christmas Present.

1 comment:

  1. Full days you are having. How did you find the time to go to work!!! Olly xxx
