Sunday 4 May 2014

May 4th

It has to be said, before the weeks news - MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU

The weather has been variable - from warm sun to gales and rain and cold. This morning though the day has developed into sunshine and it is warm enough to sit out in the conservatory for coffee.

Mum and Janis have been clearing the area around the pond (I won't call it a Fish Pond because there aren't any fish in there). Because Mum has been unwell for a couple of years it has got itself out of control so the weeds have taken over the gravel and everything else. After just an hour a day for three days they have made a huge difference and are ready to put down a new membrane and re-gravel.
Day Two

Day Three

I did my first scheduled stint at the Save the Children shop on Wednesday. Of course i didn't take my list of instructions with me so couldn't remember where i was supposed to take the key or the money and when I tried to call Janis to ask him to find where i had hidden the instructions i discovered the shop is a little black hole with no phone signal at all. Not the most auspicious start to my volunteering career.

Other than that though it was a fun two hours - a steady traffic of people and lots of gossip. I think it might be dangerous for me to work there though because i spent a lot of time looking through everything and trying to talk myself out of buying. There is a very pretty tea set, 6 mugs and tea pot and sugar bowl that is talking to me a lot. Shame there is no jug. I know deep down that i would never use it and it will sit on a shelf somewhere gathering dust but every time i go into the shop it whispers in my ear again. To distract myself I found a book in the pile of books but only managed a couple of pages before it was time to lock up and turn off the lights and try to remember where i took the money and keys. Strangely enough as soon as i went out of the door into the cold damp air i got a full signal again. Spooky.

We have signed in at a doctors and Janis has got his first prescription. Now i just need a Dentist and the move from Stafford to Cornwall will be complete.

This is the jigsaw my daughter Katy bought us from a Charity shop in Perranporth. She knew it was going to be a devil to do so she dropped it off and ran. As you can see it is about football. I didn't count how many people or footballs there are, but believe me there are far too many. When we finally got it finished (just one piece of border missing) I took this photo then sealed it all back up in its box and guess who gets it next Katy?????

I dont seem to have got a lot of card making done this week, the only two I managed to complete were for Gary and Tanay who have birthdays this coming week so I cannot put them up here in case they see them.

We are ready for our move now. I will miss the shower here, and the routine we have worked out between us, but it is time we had a home of our own and Janis is very keen to have Eddie back.

Yesterday the dogs had a bath and clean up. It came in a very attractive yellow trailer and Charlie was really pleased to see it, until he worked out that terrible indignities were going to happen in the confines of that cheery wagon.

When he emerged he was shiny and smelled delightful, if you ignored the fishy smell on his breath. He even posed for his photo to be taken.

Mum and I went to the Tolmen Centre last night for a concert given by a choir called THE JOYFUL COMPANY OF SINGERS (A taste of their skills). They were amazing performing really complex pieces beautifully. We were very lucky to have them in our very small village. 

 I hope everyone has had a good week. For those of you experiencing a Bank Holiday long weekend i hope the weather is kind and you feel fully rested or invigorated.

1 comment:

  1. Please feel free to keep the jigsaw, or donate it to the save the children charity shop ;-) XxX glad u enjoyed it lol
