Tuesday 29 April 2014

29th April

What a fortnight we have had. As it was Easter there were a lot of cards to be made, naughtily i didn't make as many as i should.

I enjoyed playing though. I did make a few more, but forgot to take any photo's of them.

Katy drove Tanay down and then had to dash back to Westminster to collect Alex from Uni.

We had lots of chocolate on Easter Sunday which was a relief because I hadn't been able to eat any all Lent and i was getting a bit desperate. I told Tanay i was going to have some just after midnight on Easter Sunday, but she said i couldn't have any until she got up in the morning. Luckily Poppy was on my side and got her out of bed early.

Janis and Tanay went on most of the rides at Flambards - alright i know there aren't many of them, but what there are they went on. I did try to get photo's of Tanay but she is very good at moving her head just as the camera clicks.

She and Janis are terrible when together. He comes out with all his old jokes and she laughs which spurs him on to naughtier jokes and i end up being the school marm to their naughty children act.

It wasn't a very full holiday. Tanay is having some health problems at the moment so we took it slowly, which we all regret now but there will be lots more holidays.

We have found a house!!!! and move in on the 7th May. It is a three bedroomed bungalow on the outskirts of Falmouth so plenty of room for family and friends to come and stay. I am leaving my craft room at Mums and will spend most days with her as i do now. We still want to move back into the village if a bungalow goes up for rent here, but at least we will have somewhere of our own in the meantime.

For lunch yesterday we went to the WI hall for Soup and a Pud, the last one until October as it only done through the colder months. The waitress was very young, and the queue for the Pud very long. Everything is made by the WI volunteers and is always good.

Janis and i celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary and yes (to those who know me) I am sure i would have remembered without Janis and my phone reminding me. I might not have thought about it in time to make a card, but it would have sunk into my brain at some point.  We took Mum to our favourite pub and had Sea Bream and a whisky and a bottle of wine. Very nice. We forgot the champagne though so that is still in the fridge. By the time we got home we were too full to manage another bite or drink of anything.

Whilst writing this i am sniffing and thinking horrible thoughts about Janis who has passed on his head cold so well. We need to register with a doctor and a dentist but neither are going to too happy to meet us in this condition. Grrrr

I thought that when we moved down here there would be plenty of time to keep in touch with people, to write letters and update blogs and make cards etc, instead of which i dont seem to have time to do anything much at all. How did i ever find the time to work full time? Amazing.

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