Sunday 13 April 2014

April 13th

This has been a week of typical Cornish weather, from wind and rain through to warm sunshine.

I have managed to get some cards made again, at long last. I thought i ought to make some manly cards, as i don't have many, having completely forgotten that it is Easter any moment now. Stupid really. Anyway i hid myself away in my craft room and some of the cards have come out well, some i don't like and some are screwed up in the bottom of the bin. A normal week.

On Sunday we went to Trelowarren for the preview of the Spring art show which Mum has three paintings in. It was very full and there was wine to sip but because of the number of people crowded into the room it wasn't all that easy to see all the paintings. 

We went round the craft gallery there as well. It is full of the most amazing pottery and weaving and glass all of which would be lovely to have but all of which was outside my pay scale. I nearly bought a couple of buttons for my card making because they were very beautiful and at £1.50 I thought i could afford a couple. In the end i left them.

One of the ladies who care for Mum had a terrible experience this week. She went to see the doc because her eye has been giving her problems and was told she had a detached retina and needed to go to Bristol Hospital for an operation straight away. I cannot imagine how frightened she must have felt. It is a 4 hour drive to Bristol from here and someone took her, only to find that there were no beds at the eye hospital and she was sent to a hospital across the road. She stayed for three days and was then told that they would not do the operation and she was sent home again. I have no idea what she is going to do now. What a terrible mix up.

We think we have finally found somewhere to live. It is a three bedroomed bungalow on the outskirts of Falmouth. When we looked around the only things against it were 
1. It has storage heating and from the look of the extra heaters in every room they arent' very efficient
2. It isn't in Constantine
3. It is very expensive
However those apart we have filled in the paperwork and wait with baited breath.

 I bought some new Sue Wilson Dies and thought i had better try them out. I love the roses and leaves but i am not at all sure about the above stepper card. It seems to cluttered. I hope that someone will like it because it took a while to make. 
 This one is much nicer. I like the colours and the dies look really good.
This one is a bit of a hotch potch of bits all cobbled together but the overall effect is quite nice.

We have had a terrible problem with rats this spring. There is a nest in the bank between our garden and next door and one rat - a huge orange colour with brown patches - has driven Janis to drink with his cheeky wanderings. We bought a humane trap but the dratted rats never went near it. For a while we were thinking we had wasted £20 then one morning there was the rat, inside the trap. Janis took it off in the car and dropped it off some miles away. Since then there have been no more sightings at all. Fingers crossed.

On Thursday afternoon, after picking Mum up from her pottery class, we went to Maenporth beach and walked the dogs. It isn't a large beach but it was nice to walk across and the cafe was open so we had an ice cream in the car before driving home

Charlie was very naughty. He wouldn't come when called and paid a lot of attention to a family group feeding a baby in the hopes some of the food would fall off the spoon. Little demon. It reminded us all of the time when Gary had to run across Perranporth beach to fetch Charlie who had wandered off with a different group altogether. Gary was shouting "I hate your dog; I hate your dog" all the way. Ha ha.

We took Mum to Manaccan for her art group on Friday morning. A lovely day. On the way back we got stuck because the road was blocked by the car in front of us and a car coming the other way. As there were three of us going our way we waited for the other car to reverse but it wouldn't. We were there for ten minutes. A car came behind the one blocking the way and it reversed a little way back so the blocking car could reverse into the overtaking bit which was almost level with its rear bumper. No. So I put my reversing lights on to show the car behind me that i thought we were going to have to bite the bullet. Rather than accept that the driver behind me shot out of his seat and shouted abuse at the blocking car.  It was a bit of an impasse. Finally we had to squeeze past. The car behind me was a long time catching up and I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall to hear what was said between the two drivers.

Its Inara's birthday today (Janis' sister) so I made her this card. The one above is a get well soon card i made and above that the male cards i was playing with.

On Thursday morning we went to the Budock Vean Hotel for a Save the Children coffee morning. There was a woman making jewellery using polymer clay and a pasta maker of course as soon as i saw that i thought to myself that would make really lovely buttons for my cards. Another thing to play with.

Last night we went to a One Woman show at the Tolmen centre and had a lovely meal, a glass of red wine and the show. I would recommend going to see her if ever you see her name; Caroline Horton. The show was one she wrote about her grandmothers romance in war torn France and England and was very entertaining. 

Well i think that had better be it for this week. Hopefully i will have a lot more news next week. 

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