Sunday 2 March 2014

March 2nd

Here we are on Sunday again with the week having flown past.

On Thursday we celebrated our 4 week milestone although to be honest it feels both as though we have been here much longer and at the same time as though we have not been here more than a moment. Strange isn't it?

With Jackie staying with us we decided to go into Truro on Friday so that she could change her money and see the Cathedral. It was pelting it down with the harshest coldest rain and there was a wind that could cut through the thickest coat as we walked from the shoppers car park to the Cathedral so Mum and i dived into the cafe and warmed our hands on cups of coffee while Jackie and Janis braved the bank.

As ever the Cathedral was amazing and calming and for a while we could forget the tumultuous weather and relax. I wasn't impressed by the TOWER OF BABEL art exhibition, they said nothing to me, but they must have done to someone to get themselves into the Cathedral in the first place.

Rather than walk the short distance across town to Marks and Spencer so that mother could take a photo from the cafe window, we drove into the multi storey car park. Sadly though there was nothing Jackie could eat as her diet has to exclude Wheat, Sugar and Dairy. We huddled back into our layers and went to Witherspoons on Lemon Quay and had a very nice lunch.

Someone mentioned Jigsaws when we got home so we found a WASGIJ and have started that on the dining room table. Jackie has never done a puzzle like it and isn't impressed that she cannot look at a picture to see where the bits fit in. Ha

Yesterday the rain held off and so did the cold so we took Jackie to see the sea at Gunwalloe and Church Cove. We couldn't believe how different it looks. There is no sand on the beaches just more and more rocks, even on Church Cove, so that the two beaches are looking more alike than ever before. The sand appears to be covering what used to be the grassy area behind Church Cove. Jackie took lots of photo's and we wandered about a bit. The dogs had a wonderful time. Then we went into the church and wandered around a bit more. Only Jackie went onto Gunwalloe, it was too rocky for the rest of  us.

The sun was shining a little and it was almost warm, through layers of coats and gloves anyway.

We went through to The Lizard and it was cold again.

After lunch in the cafe there Janis and Jackie walked down to the bottom and I walked around at the top. Mum stayed in the car and kept warm, very wise. It wasn't a rough water day, which is when i love the Lizard most with the spray high above the rocks and so much sea around you swelling and receding that you feel as though the land you are standing on should be moving too. 

Back home to the WASGIJ and watching the birds outside the dining room window. Mum puts food out nearly every day and the place is swamped in no time at all. 

Life is pretty good though it would be better if Mum felt stronger. Some days she is really good and able to walk through the village with the dog and paint and do all the things she wants to do, and then other days she is tired easily and feels generally unwell. It may have something to do with being 95 but whatever it is she isn't happy about it. Jackie has noticed a big difference in her since her last visit to Texas. It could be partly the weather which has been so cold and wet for so long.

Off to Church with Jackie now, first time in Constantine Church since Dad's funeral. 

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